Friday, June 15, 2018

"Secret" Concepts to $STUDY That "They" Don't Teach You

I'll just leave this here for you guys.  I found this list of concepts I had put together a short while back, and a large amount of these are topics that are seldom-taught in a straightforward way, and I have never found all these "secret" concepts in one place like this before.  Hopefully some of you find value in this, or say "I never really considered that.." because that's the point in why I made this.  When you piece it all together and hone in on what you don't already know, then you can move forward and open your mind to new things....

- HFT algos
- Entry signals..exit signals
- Confluence...multicolinnearity
- Fake gurus...slab city lolz
- Biotech/fda plays
- Chart patterns
- Candlestick logic
- Low floats
- Tape reading
- Screening / scanner
- Truth about paid scanners, rooms, etc
- Analysis paralysis
- Bag holding vs taking losses vs locking profits
- Stop losses
- Divergence, why I suck at it, and why that’s okay
- Using technicals logically and not overthinking it
- Taking entry off alerts - psychology, truth, why it’s good and why it’s bad
- List of blogs to follow/read
- List of resources to refer to
- Why I don’t bullshit, and who I am (I am you)
- Ustocktrade - how it works, how to use it to your benefit, legit advice
- Swing trading vs Day trading
- Moving avgs - 8 and 20 + ema/ama
- Sabby management
- Insider trades
- Earnings plays
- Catalysts
- Conferences
- Offerings
- Afterhours/premarket
- Brokers
- Bankruptcy plays
- Reverse split plays
- Playing the runners
- Opening range breakouts
- Why the 100%ers are great
- Mental/psych stoploss DOES NOT WORK
- Psychological resistance/support levels

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